IFSS World Championship 2025
IFSS World Championships
and World Masters 2025



The long-distance trails go through high mountains, plateaus, hiking areas, lakes, waterways, nature reserves, inland areas and reindeer herding areas. Femundløpet has a good and close collaboration with around 100 landowners, municipalities, county municipalities, the reindeer herding industry and Statskog to ensure that Femundløpet has a trail that provides good experiences for mushers and dogs. The long-distance trails are prepared by Femundløpet’s own crews with snowmobiles and sleds.

Nordic style, sled sprint and sled middle distance will mainly use ski trails. These trails will be prepared with a trail machine.

Training facilities for Sprint/MD/Nordic classes
In Røros it is possible to train on skis with 1-2 dogs on all the ski trails. You can find trails here: www.skisporet.no. Show respect for the local population who also use the ski trails.
There will be an approx. 5 km loop available for training with a maximum of 4 dogs on a sled. There will be a time slot of about 2 hours daily after the competitions are finished for training. Information will be given at team leader meetings.

Other training facilities are also available near Røros. See Training opportunities in Aunegrenda - especially suitable for Nordic

Trail maps
All planned trails are now ready, but we must make reservations for minor adjustments